Nowadays Filipinos are modern and some of our old traditions are also more modern. So now when Holy Week comes, we often go to different provinces for retreat, relax and bonding moments with our families.
This year for Holy Week we had some groups who decided to come to our resort to celebrate Holy Week.
Raniel and Randy together with their wives, arrived first. They stayed in one of our tents for two nights. They enjoyed our place as they had a chance to relax and they love swimming and snorkelling.
Jessica, Raniel's wife, told me that this was the first time they had a chance to take a holiday together after 6 years of marriage, as her husband is working in Manila, while she works in Batangas. At last they got a chance to be together and have some quality time with each other. They said they appreciated the things we did to make their stay enjoyable and Raniel and Randy were considering planning their office excursion to visit our resort.

Dieter came too with his friends Gale and Gale's sisters , Morris and Toto. They loved taking pictures around the resort and enjoying the views of the surroundings. Bugoy was happy as he had a playmate; Gale's daughter. They went to Sawang, to swim, and enjoyed the white sand. Gale's sister had fun with rock we called Maliit na nalayag. They tried to climb to the top and they took some pictures.

Our next group was Mara and her friends. As they were very tired, she asked me to cook the food they brought with them for lunch, as they were so hungry. And after I cooked food I gave their lunch and they took a rest in our kubo. When they woke up they went swimming in front of the resort, enjoying the clear water with their kid, Jay.
Vivian and her pals came before noontime. They stayed in our first kubo, took their lunch and had a rest. When they woke up, they also went swimming, with Jp, and had fun in the water.

At lunch time, Marg and her family came, tired from the journey. They had lunch with value meals they brought and after lunch took a rest. When her daughter America woke up, she went for swimming with her uncle and cousin, and later her other cousin joined them.
Last to arrive was Emma with her brother's family. They came late at 3pm. We welcomed them with food as they were hungry after their long journey. They took a rest, and when they get up kids went swimming and played in the water.

When evening came, after they had their dinner, everybody sat around the bonfire. Mara had few drinks with friends while Vivian had some wine with her friends. Gale took some photos with her daughter and sisters. Emma played guitar with her family. Marg enjoyed watching bonfire with her daughter and relatives, as did Jessica, with her hubby Raniel and Randy and his wife. They all spent quality time together. After the bonfire everybody went to their own place to sleep.
The next morning after they finished their breakfast, the groups headed off on various activities. Some took a boat tour, others went for a walk. Marg went off to Lalanguin, Dieter's group off to Mahabang Buhangin, Emma went on the island tour, Mara had village tour and swam in Pondohan while Vivian decided on a walking tour and went to Sawang to swim and Jessica's group went swimming in front of the resort and snorkelling.
The groups returned late in the afternoon, had showers then rested and had an early dinner as they needed to catch the early boat to Tabangao trip at 2am.

Marg will leave for Guam Emma will go to Palawan, and the rest need to go back to work. We hope they are all relaxed and refreshed after their visit to our resort.

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