Lucy has been one of our regular clients in Japan for 17 years. While, on her holiday in the Philippines, she visited Isla Verde with her family, her husband- Bong, their kids Zen and Liza, Akira, daughter of Zen, Kim and Ken - children, of Lisa, and Lucy's sister Joy with her hubby Ben. They came all the way from Paombong, Bulacan.

Among the things Lucy and her family enjoyed was sitting in our swing, as they loved watching sea and enjoying the sea breeze. Some would sleep in our swing for afternoon nap while others had fun collecting shells.

Lucy's husband, Bong, had time for snorkelling, and has seen the big corals and fishes with bright colors. They decided to take a walk to Sawang to swim too. When they came back to the resort they waited before they had their shower, because they wanted to watch the beautiful sunset. They have captured beautiful views of the sunset and after watching them Lucy decided to take shower and had a dip in our Ofuro. So many of our guests say one of the highlights of the resort is a dip in the orfuro, which relaxes their muscles as well as their minds after a day of activities.

When dinner was served, Lucy's granddaughter called them to eat, and everyone walked in to the Cafe to have their dinner. They enjoyed the bagoong, one of the local products in isla. Bagoong is made from small fish , called balakwas, caught around the island in season and preserved. As Lucy likes it, I gave her a small bottle of bagoong as souvenir of their stay in our resort, and she said she will take it with her when she goes back to Japan.

After their dinner they had their bonfire, and enjoyed a few drinks while they sat around it and talked. As the group were tired, they decided to go to bed as they were leaving on the early boat next morning. Its a short visit but worth for them and they have made plans to come back when the kids are off from school.

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