by Nanay Jo
Landscaping is progressing at the resort now. New places for the kubos, places for gardens. It has been a busy time on Isla.
As we have been developing the resort, we planted more plants and flowers. We have some fruit bearing trees bought, and have planted them. We have more flowers, which bloom, even in the rainy season. We even planted flowers, along the side of the creek with santan, as we called them and more of birds of paradise.

Around our kubos, we planted some ornamental plants, and some fruit bearing trees like, mangoes, avocado and guyabano. In a year or two we expect them to bear fruits for us.

Dieter bought 2 pairs of goats. One pair is imported, and was new to us. The workers built a shelter for them. Luckily, we have no problem for grass cutting as they eat the weeds around. Dieter raised up some chickens too, called 45 days.

He also has a pair of imported doves, which were housed in one of our mango trees. After the storm, a lot of butterflies could be seen around, with beautiful colors. Since, we had the doves, a lot of sparrows can be seen on the ground. Crows are normally flying in the resort.

Last July, the kubos were moved to higher ground, and, we decided to make steps and place more sand and coral around the area. We built another tourou in front of the beach. Patrick has organized for the blessing of the tourous this weekend,
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