On the 12th of December an event was held by Philippine Education and Technology in Japan (PETJ) to 'Bring the Spirit of Christmas to the children of batangas and Zambales'.
PETJ has as its objectives, to include free English conversation classes Philippines and culture exchange programs in English teacher training of Filipinos, in order to promote mutual understanding of providing Japan and the Philippines culture of place that you can use English in more familiar for Filipino independence and Japanese living in Japan we helped sponsor an event that was held in our resort, a feeding program, and gift giving called headed PETJ, teachers from Japan, Akira, Gina Bing and Juvy. They were surprised to meet such a large number of local children who were dressed up beautifully and have make up.
We had the opportunity to participate by joining the sponsors and having a part of the event on Isla Verde to benefit the children of our local community.
Some of the kids at first were shy and not quite sure what it was about, because this is perhaps the first time such an event has been held on the island. However they soon began joining in. The kids were attentive and enjoyed singing with the teachers. They happily sang Christmas songs with 'Santa Claus' who joined their activities.
The teachers also enjoyed the dance numbers prepared for them by our local kids. A girl from Mahabang Buhangin, sing a song for them too. After the activities, we fed the kids. Everybody got full with spaghetti stir fry noodles and fried chicken.

Before we ended our event, Santa started to give out gifts for the kids, and so did the PETJ teachers, who brought gifts, to be shared with them.
When gift giving was done, we started to play pabitin. A bamboo platform full of gifts was hung up in our mango tree, then pulled up and down. The kids, sometimes with a little help from their parents tried to reached them. You could hear laughter and screaming as everyone was reaching to get their own stuff.

It was a wonderful day, and everyone gave thanks as it was the first time this has happened here in Isla. Parents have asked me, to have another next Christmas. If it is possible, we would enjoy hosting the event again next year.
This will be our last Blog Post for 2016.
Best wishes and Christmas Greetings to all our friends, old and new, on Isla Verde and around the world.
And to all families and others close to you at this joyous time. And to the workers of Isla who helped us through the year.
From Tess, Jo, Papa and Ross.